Welcome to our member's area.

Alpha-5/Jamie: Aie-ya-yai-ya-yai!!!

Chun-Li/Vinay: Always studying or running very fast.

Red Ranger/Hans: Also known as Hans, Simba, Chewbaka and Hanson.

Blue Ranger/Ian: Skipping class, making money, bowling with the pink balls.

Pink Ranger/Brooks: Likes getting bitten by old people and washing dead bodies.

Green Ranger/Matt: When not in Peterborough, can be found bowling or selling very old popcorn.

Yellow Ranger/Bryan: Learning to draw pictures and constantly harassing Alpha-5.

Ninjor/Hugh: Usually drunk or working the graveyard shift at some factory or warehouse.. or both.

David Copperfield/Paul: Here one minute, gone the next.

Quark/Rick: Wanna buy a cheap computer from the back of a truck? He's the man who can help you.

Other members:
Liz, Haley, Jen, Christine, Erin, Leslie, Graeame and Ben.

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