This is Mens 4M's sports page. The following is a list of future Mens 4M events and links of interest.

Callendar of Events

August 1998:

Bowling -every monday and thrusday from 11pm to 2am Bowlerama West
Wallball -every sunday afternoon at 1:30pm-3:00pm aprox. Call 1st for details
Paintball -last week of August.. date not yet decided upon. Call for details
Football -no games scheduled for this month
Hockey -no games scheduled for this month

Sporting Links of Interest:

Bowlerama, where we like to bowl thursday nights

Winbowl, a great bowling game for windows

The best source for insider news on the WWF and WCW on the net

TSN's Wrestling Page

Wrestling Superstar's home phone numbers and email addresses

Lots of other pretty neat wrestling stuff


Proline and Over-Under, recommended by David Copperfield

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